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Criminal Case Organized by Harvesting Selected as a Typical IP Trial by Hunan Higher People’s Court

Handled by Harvesting, criminal case of Xiong and Luo selling counterfeit products was open to public. It was selected as a typical case of IP trial in 2015 Intellectual Property Protection Press Conference by Hunan Higher People’s Court on April 22, 2016.

Earlier, in May 2015, our investigator found that Xiong et al held sports footwear sales in large malls such as Trust-Mart and Carrefour in Changsha City, with on-line promotion via social media like QQ, Weibo and Wechat.

In July, the PSB did an inspection to Xiong’s 9 sales spots and 4 warehouses as per our complaint filing and seized more than 10 thousand pairs of counterfeit sports shoes of several brands. In the action, 7 suspects (Xiong included) were caught.

Later, the action was reported through media HNETV, Changsha F.TV channel and others.

Yuelu People’s Court confirmed that Xiong et al sell counterfeits with sales amount up to RMB 610,000, including storage products valued more than RMB 590,000. Therefore, Xiong was sentenced to a 4-year-and-a-half imprisonment, plus a fine of RMB 350,000; Luo was sentenced to a 2-year–and–a-half imprisonment, plus a fine of RMB 100,000. The sentence was shown to public on September 22, 2015.

In this case, we associated with PSB for an over-two-months investigation, to confirm Xiong’s all nine selling spots and four warehouses to draw a complete picture of his criminal activities. Under the criminal proceedings, we positively assisted local PSB and Procuratorate to collect and supplement various evidence together, and frequently communicated with local court. Finally, with all efforts, Xiong et al was subjected to severe criminal punishment.

We were invited to the attend court hearing and adjudgement for follow-up media interview, but for some reasons we were not able to attend the events. 


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