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Harvesting Conducted IPR Protection at the 116th Canton Fair for Nine Brands

—Broadening IPR Protection Channels and Reinforcing Protection


From October 15th, 2014 to November 4th, 2014, in the season with osmanthus fragrance, the 116th Canton Fair was grandly held. At this Canton Fair, Harvesting acted as the IP agent for night brands which included an American luxury brand (hereinafter Brand C), seven major brands of the international luxury K Group and a famous Japanese sports brand (hereinafter Brand A). Products of phone shells, accessories, perfumes, glasses, bags, shoes and apparel were concerned.


IPR Protection of Brand C

At this Canton Fair, we carried out investigation and IPR protection under the entrustment of Brand C, whose concerned products were accessories. Via investigation in the 5 concerned halls, there were 4 targets found infringing Brand C’s trademark rights, and 1 registered trademark was involved. We filed a complaint about the four targets to the Complaint Reception Station for IPR and Trade Dispute in complex, and three of them were accepted. The AIC officers then took actions against the three targets and all were successfully raided.

IPR Protection of K Group

K Group carried out IPR protection from Phase I to III at this Canton Fair.

Phase I (3 Brands Involved)

K Group’s concerned products in Phase I were phone shells, which were displayed in relatively fewer booths. We checked carefully in the booths, and finally found a booth displaying phone shells with the brand owner’s registered trademarks.

Phase II (3 Brands Involved)

In Phase II, K Group focused on products of glasses, watches and perfumes. There were 9 booths found suspected of infringing the trademark rights or imitating designs of its brands. 7 trademarks were involved.

Phase III (7 Brands Involved)

In Phase III, K Group focused on products of bags, shoes and apparel. In this phase, representatives of K Group came to the complex and conducted investigation with us. The investigation scope covered 23 halls, and 123 booths were found suspected of infringing the trademark rights or imitating designs of the brands. 28 trademarks and 11 designs were involved. Via careful recheck, selection, and discussion, 15 booths were decided to be raided, and 11 of them were successful. The AIC officers removed the infringing goods off shelves. All the principals signed the Letter of Commitment, promising not to sell infringing products any more.


During the Canton Fair, we classified the information of the targets found in the day and made further search on the Internet. Reports in excel and ppt format were submitted to K Group after the Fair for review and record.


IPR Protection of Brand A

Brand A has a long-term cooperation relationship with us. Thanks to the trust of the brand, it assigns representatives to conduct the investigation with us and comes to the site of complaint and action in every session of Canton Fair since we began to provide IPR protection service at the Fair. The main investigated areas covered 20 halls. There were 33 booths suspected of infringing its trademark rights found and 5 trademarks were involved. Through careful discussion with our client, we took raid action against 13 booths and 10 actions of them achieved success. The enforcement officers asked the principals to stop the infringement and removed the infringing goods off shelves, and all the principals promised not to sell infringing goods any longer.

After the Canton Fair, we submitted written reports to Brand A, recording the action process and listing out information of the targets.


Summary of the brands’ IPR protection in 116th Canton Fair:

Tremendous achievements were made at this Canton Fair. There were 170 targets suspected of infringing the trademark rights, or imitating designs found in total. In this Fair, the number of agented brands and representatives visiting the Canton Fair were more than those at the previous sessions. Under such relatively heavy workloads, we made careful deployment and conducted strict execution, which ensured jobs such as reception of clients, investigation, information collection, analysis of targets, complaints filing, and actions were carried out orderly.

After the Fair, K Group sent a thank-you letter in the Thanksgiving Holiday, expressing the acknowledgement and acclaim for our jobs during Canton Fair. The feedback from client greatly has inspired us. We will make more efforts and provide more refined and satisfying services in the future!

Guangdong Harvesting Law Firm | Harvesting Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd.

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