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Harvesting Conducted IPR Protection at the 117th Canton Fair for Nine Brands
From April 15 to May 5, 2015, Harvesting conducted IPR protection for nine brands at 117th Canton Fair, including a famous Japanese sports brand (hereinafter Brand A), seven main brands of internationally luxury K Group, and a famous American casual clothes brand (hereinafter Brand O). Products involved mainly included bags, suitcases, shoes and apparel. Harvesting participated in the Phase III. The IPR protection for each brand in the fair is as follows.
IPR Protection of Brand A
In Phase III, brand A focused on bags, shoes and apparel. In this phase, representatives of brand A came to the Canton Fair complex and conducted the investigation with us. The investigation scope covered 20 halls, and 21 booths were found suspected of infringing the trademark rights, with 3 trademarks involved. After careful reexamination, screening and discussion, 14 booths selling infringing goods were chosen to be raided, among which 13 raids went successfully. The law enforcement officers removed the infringing goods off shelves during raids. All principals signed the Letter of Commitment and promised not to display infringing goods again.
After the Canton Fair, we submitted detailed raid action report concerning raid process, results and all targets information in excel format to brand A for their review and file.
IPR Protection of K Group
In Phase III, K Group focused on bags, suitcases, shoes and apparel. K Group client came to the Canton Fair complex and carried out investigation with us. The investigation scope covered 23 halls and 86 booths were found suspected of infringing exclusive trademark right or imitating designs of the brand. 11 trademarks, 1 patent design and 9 designs were involved.
Through thorough discussion, the client finally designated us to take raid actions against five booths involved and the actions were all successful. The law enforcement officers demanded infringers to remove goods off shelves during raids. All principals signed the Letter of Commitment, promising no longer sell infringing goods.
For other targets which were not raided during Canton Fair, Harvesting continued investigation and followed up key targets according to client’s instruction after making consideration and elaborative selection. 
IPR Protection of Brand O
In this Canton Fair, we conducted investigation and IPR protection in the complex with the entrustment of brand O. Brand O attached great importance to apparel and caps. The investigation scope covered 7 halls. According to investigation, 4 targets were found infringing the exclusive trademark right, with 1 registered trademark involved. Besides, 2 targets were found imitating the design of the brand. We filed complaint about 4 targets to the Complaint Reception Station for IPR and Trade Dispute in the complex and organized raid action. Ultimately, all raid actions were successful. The principals all signed the Letter of Commitment in accordance under the requirement of law enforcement officer.
During this Canton Fair, with sound deployment and close cooperation, we successfully completed the task concerning arduous investigation and IPR protection action, prevented infringers from obtaining orders of infringing goods, and avoided flowing out of infringing goods into foreign countries. In the meantime, the actions played a role in educating surrounding booths. In the future, we will continue to provide sound IPR services for our clients.


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