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Harvesting Participated in the “3•15” Fake and Shoddy Goods Destruction Activity Held by Jinjiang AIC


On March 13, 2015, at the approach of 3•15(March 15) World Consumer Rights Protection Day, Jinjiang AIC destroyed all the seized fake and shoddy goods, and invited our staff to attend and supervise the destruction.


In the morning of March 13, Jinjiang AIC mobilized 19 medium and large-sized trucks to deliver all the fake and shoddy goods to the disposal company for destruction. The trucks were hung with banners reading “crack down on fake and shoddy goods”, “protect intellectual property rights” and “protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers”, etc., forming a vast and mighty propaganda team. The team drew a number of citizens’ attention and they all applauded the destruction.


The counterfeits were burned thoroughly as the smoke released out. Through the destruction, we have reinforced our cooperation and communication with the law enforcement department, with whom we further discussed multi-field cooperation mode. This activity not only purifies the market environment, but also protects the legitimate rights and interests of the trademark owners.


In the future days, we will continue to center on providing high quality service and vigorously expand comprehensive methods of rights protection, to be a better guardian for the trademark holders.


Pictures below are the process of destroying the fake and shoddy goods:





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