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Guidance of Works Copyright Registration

1. Required Material

Material shall be submitted and requirements for works copyright registration:

(1) Application form of works copyright registration filled and completed as required;

(2) Identity certificate of the applicant;

(3) Certificate of ownership of right;

(4) Sample works (either hard copy or soft copy is fine);

(5) Specification of works (specific in creation intention, process and originality; signed by the author);

(6) The agent, who is entrusted for application, shall submit Authorization Letter of the applicant;

(7) Identity certificate of the agent.


2. Application Procedure

The applicant’s material submission for application—the registration agency’s examination on the received material--payment notice—the applicant paying the fees for registration—the registration agency’s acceptance for the application—review—issuing the certificate of registration—announcement public notice


3. Time Limits for Registration

Registration will be completed within 30 days after acceptance of application by the registration agency. If there is any material to be supplemented, the applicant shall finish the supplementation within 2 months after receipt of the supplementation notice. The registration agency shall finish the registration within 30 days after receipt of the required materials.

4. Inquiry Service

The applicant can learn about the registration development via website or contacting with the undertaker specified on acceptance notice.

The applicant of the works registration, the public, judicial authorities, and administrative authorities are allowed to apply for inquiry of relevant information about the registered works.




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