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Administrative Raids

Harvesting deals with hundreds of administrative cases every year. To ensure prompt, efficient and impartial case handling, Harvesting keeps sound communication with enforcement organs at all levels from state to local, including Administration for Industry and Commerce, Technical Supervision Bureau and Customs. Compared with the average, simple invesigation companies  and law offices, Harvesting’s major advantages as an agent in administrative raids are as below:

1. Obtainment of accurate information even source information provided by the professional investigation team.

2. Instant coordination with administrative enforcement organs for active action with the local resources of its branches.

3. Professional and all-around service in intellectual property rights, free legal advices after raid action and suggestion on company’s strategic improvement in intellectual property offered by the senior lawyers.

4. IPR protection against selective targets, to avoid single and excess administrative actions, which is wasteful of client’s expenses. Always combines various legal means during raid action. The administrative raids often facilitate the subsequent civil litigation, and other services such as withdrawal of the third party’s trademark application or other legal purposes.

Harvesting’s professionalism has been highly praised by officials and clients in the handling of complicated cases of trademark right infringements and unfair competitions. A series of outstanding cases have been conducted by Harvesting, such as contradiction between company name and trademark right, similarity in product packaging, company name registration in abroad for unfair competition, trademark infringement affirmation and evidence-gathering by administrative raids, etc.



Guangdong Harvesting Law Firm | Harvesting Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd.

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