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Customs IPR Protection

With the rapid development of globalization, transnational flow of counterfeits becomes more frequent. China’s customs IPR protection can effectively prevent the flow of fake products into international market. Since 1995, there is an obvious increase of customs cases. China Customs has become the important law enforcement power of IPR protection through continuous intensification of law enforcement and improvement of enforcement approach.


Up to now, Harvesting has assisted tens of trademark owners in customs recordal. Harvesting always takes clients' position into account, keep an accurate record and regular update of the key IPR and clients’ relevant institutions such as authorized factories, distributors, etc; make regular visits and trainings to the customs; help the customs to understand the clients’ IPR and product features and raise the general seizure rate.

In general customs seizure, Harvesting actively cooperates with the customs to seize the infringing products, encourages the customs to launch active seizure, and communicates with clients in an effective way. Harvesting always stands in the position of clients who have a strict control over the customs seizure expenses. Based on clients’ current budgets, Harvesting will choose the targets suitable for customs rights protection, aiming to regulate expenditure and avoid out-of-control costs caused by unprincipled seizure.

In addition to customs active seizure, Harvesting makes an active exploration in customs’ passive seizure. Its specialized investigation team conducts an accurate investigation from product source and follows the trucks or containers to customs wharfs. Harvesting will also assist the customs to conduct more effective and accurate raids against the counterfeits, for example, by reporting to the customs about container No., location of yard, product pictures, goods’ exact position inside the container, and so on.



Guangdong Harvesting Law Firm | Harvesting Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd.

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