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Infringement Investigation and Evidence Collection Service

Investigation and evidence collection is the prerequisite of successful IPR protection. Services in this sector provided by Harvesting include:

— monitoring of domestic key markets and highly focused areas for infringement;

on-site investigation and proof collection of various infringement acts;

cooperation with Notary Office for evidence-gathering;

monitoring of infringement conducted on  the platform of the Internet;

investigation into infringer’s property status for execution of judgment;

collection and reorganization of infringement information;

establishment and management of infringement information database.

Harvesting has a powerful investigation team consisting of over thirty senior investigators in Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Changsha branches and some highly focused areas for infringement. It also has much support and supplementary strength from cooperative investigation teams. An efficient information-gathering network guarantees prompt infringement detection and quick raid action. Meanwhile, the cooperation with foreign investigators enables investigation to be conducted more covertly and progressed in a quicker manner.

Harvesting has diverse ways of evidence collection. Besides on-spot investigation for infringement information collection, it applies various means, such as webpage notarization, notarized purchase of infringing products, customs seizure, assistance with the courts for evidence preservation, so as to ensure that the evidences could be acknowledged by enforcement organs and judicial authorities.

Being particularly good at investigation of online cases, Harvesting regularly selects the key sales leads on domestic and overseas websites, such as Taobao.com, Alibaba.com, and conducts specific investigations into key counterfeit manufacturers and dealers.

Apart from investigation of pure counterfeiting, Harvesting has another team expert in supplementary investigation into other intellectual property matters, such as background investigation on the third party who conducts trademark preemptive registration, investigation on the usage of registered trademarks and the opposed party in trademark opposition. It will offer clients more professional advices with specialized legal knowledge based on investigation results.

Harvesting also has abundant experience in investigating irregularities against intracompany management, including parallel import, bugsell, the breach of authorized factory and distributors.

Harvesting will support clients in market supervision and assist them in deterring internal breaches by negotiation or litigation, etc, with evidences obtained from legal investigation, so as to achieve the aim of maintaining client’s brand management order.

Note: Harvesting pays high attention to the legality of investigation. Any illegal investigation means, investigations concerning state secrets, trade secrets, individual privacy and any other illegal investigations will not be accepted.


Guangdong Harvesting Law Firm | Harvesting Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd.

Tel:020-38847887    Fax:020-87520122

Online Skype:harvestingchina01    E-mail:info@harvestinglaw.com

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