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Other Intellectual Property Services

Apart from the core services, Harvesting has outstanding performances in other intellectual property services, mainly including:

—IP judicial expertise and assessment services

—IP legal consultancy

—IP strategy planning and management consultation

—drafting, amendment and examination of IP contracts

—Business legal services for chain and franchise operations

—IP legal inquiry

—IP financial services

—other services relevant to IP, such as: serving as the agent of trademark or patent licensing and assignment, trade negotiations, etc.

—registration of domain names and dispute settlements

—serving as the agent for cases concerning trade secrets, product decoration and unfair competition



Guangdong Harvesting Law Firm | Harvesting Intellectual Property Consultant Co., Ltd.

Tel:020-38847887    Fax:020-87520122

Online Skype:harvestingchina01    E-mail:info@harvestinglaw.com

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